Updated 09/04/2022

Welcome to Ron's Moodle! This is a place where I can park my class info, share media with students, organize and evaluate assignments, etc., etc. Inside are my syllabi and info for the courses I'm teaching this semester. Here's a brief explanation of how to use the site:

  • First, a.s.a.p. sign up for an account using the email you gave the school when registering for classes. Second, go to your email account and click on the link my website sent to you, confirming your registration. Third, come back here and sign in and create a profile. Please use your in-class (pinyin or English) name as your main handle, the one you want to be called by me in class. *For example, Wang Wen-hsing and Tim Wang.* However, also please input your 中文姓名 AND your student ID. Fourth, for Address you can input your department and year of study (e.g., 夜外三). All this helps me to keep track of you and assign grades. 
  • Once you have done the steps above, navigate to the course(s) you are taking with me. Near the bottom of the page there should be an option to "enrol me in class." Click that and you should be able to access the course schedule, texts, and materials we'll be using this semester.
  • Any questions, can either use the messaging app of this site or email me: ron [at] ronentity.net 


First, this course is intended as an introduction to film aesthetics, or more specifically Hollywood film aesthetics that tries to understand the culture of the United States through the moving pictures it creates of "reality." Second, this a DISCUSSION COURSE so one of my few requirements--for those who wish to get a grade of excellent--is that students talk about the films we're watching. I will facilitate this with weekly questions (approx. 10), and students who regularly try to answer these questions will be noted. In addition, the course is arranged chronologically, beginning with the silent film era and continuing to the 21st century. In addition, it attempts to include as many of the major genres as possible.  Finally, students must come to class having already watched the film(s) on their own and be ready to discuss them.

This is a one year course intended as a survey of "Western Literature", meaning it gives a broad view of the classic texts considered literary in the (so-called) West. 

This course is intended as a survey of 20th century postmodernist fiction, mainly from the United States. In order to survey as many authors as possible we will focus mainly on short stories, though a novella and a novel will also be read. In addition, we will also discuss the theory of postmodernist culture and sample theoretical writings on the topic.